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6 Things To Do During Christmas Break

We’ve made a list of helpful suggestions to assist you with the choice of winter pastime, and hopefully, you will find it easier to take advantage of the moment and come back to studies refreshed, when the next semester is in full swing and your teachers assign some complicated enough task, even with no affordable paper instructions or guidelines on the Web.

  1. Apply for a scholarship. If there ever was the time to apply for a scholarship or a grant, you couldn’t find a better opportunity. We are not saying you should completely immerse in the research process and let friends entertain themselves and watch TV shows while you are sitting up late, but a few hours a day would be enough to make a huge difference in your studying routine. We are encouraging you to review priorities and look for the grant of your dream!
  2. Bake your favorite pie. When you are among family and friends, you want to make every day special. Even if you are not fond of cooking, bake a delicious pie using the recipe you’ve found, browsing online. Believe us, your nearest and dearest would appreciate the effort and delegate you with something more complex next time they have to cook dinner.
  3. Meet friends. If you are going home on holidays, we guess it is time to meet old friends and get the gang together. Winter is the time, made for long talks and meaningful conversations, and you have something to share with your good old company as well. There are tips on how to stay in touch if you are far away and even some tricks to catch up with the latest news, one of them being constant support and messaging via phone.
  4. Make a plan. Of course, you want to spend your winter break enjoying the snow and overall relaxed vibes of your home (if you are living in the snowy area), but we strongly suggest you plan your schedule beforehand. We know that procrastination may seem like a usual way – you promise yourself to be better the next semester, but things never work out. There is a strategy to put words into actions: create a game plan that fits in your schedule and try to stick to it when you come back to college.
  5. Utilize social media. There is no time like wintertime to get the most out of social media accounts. There are no neighbors hovering over your shoulders and checking your correspondence and you don’t have to hide with your phone so that your teacher doesn’t notice you are actually in the middle of an animated conversation. If you love writing, you can attend creative assignment courses, where they explain the basics of essay planning. You can blog about stuff and post pictures of your favorite holiday destinations. It is also a great opportunity to discover your own tastes and preferences. Where would you love to go? Where is your passion for adventure leading you?
  6. Revamp your CV. You want to end up with a good job and a steady income, which means you have to start working on your resume now. We recommend you start updating cover letters and CVs as soon as possible, for you never know when your employer is going to call. Even if you are a freshman and still adjusting to college routine, it is good to keep all those documents at hand, just in case. Work on your presentation and read useful tips about job interviews. You can also add information to the already existing resume if there is something you would like to point out on the list.