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Beating Procrastination, or the Secrets of Becoming More Effective

Once you start doing the task you have been assigned, important issues arise. You suddenly remember there is this documentary about the ancient times that you need to watch. There is also a book in dire need of examining. Since you are already distracted, you might as well make yourself a cup of tea. One thing leads to another, and before long, you are taking a relaxed approach to studies. It seems that some people simply can’t help postponing their homework in favor of more urgent issues.

They pop unexpectedly and you don’t have the will to overcome it. Fast forward a couple of hours into the future, and the night has descended. You are laid-back and unconcerned, but the papers remain unfinished. There are various suggestions as to what might trigger the procrastination issue, but we can sort them out according to the experts. There is a steady belief that such type of behavior can be regarded as an emotional response to something we consider to be a burden.

Research has established that most students, going into the repair mode, have highly inconvenient associations with their daily chores. In order to protect themselves from the hassle and spend more time on mood enhancers, they end up doing something fun. This does not necessarily mean that procrastination should be regarded as a negative case. We all need a mood lift once in a while to keep our spirits high. Procrastinating can actually help students achieve relaxation. However, you should be careful not to overdo the desire to put off tasks.

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Types of Procrastination and How to Deal with It

There is a simple pattern to procrastination: if you are avoiding an assignment, you are avoiding stress. There are several types of people who are known to postpone their studies for the next day. These are adventure seekers, professional avoiders, and decision-making procrastinators. Those who seek thrills on a daily basis are looking for the adrenaline rush to hit them. They respond to mundane events with something they find truly exciting.

As for expert avoiders, we can call them out on being the perfectionists. Rather than fail in one discipline, they prefer people to think they cannot deal with the task at hand. This may create the illusion of being disorganized when in reality these guys are simply threatened by the possible outcome of the job. They wish everyone to perceive them as lazy and lacking energy rather than ineffective. There are also individuals who love delaying their decision-making process. This is the way they deal with the frustration that’s eating at them constantly. To avoid procrastination and get yourself out of the matrix, you can try one of these methods:

  • Follow a schedule. Approach the assignments gradually and do not run away if you are faced with a challenge. Psychologically speaking, it is always harder to start working than actually assess the number of assignments left. Procrastination experts will tell you they are scared of being unable to stick to the point and prove a certain idea.
  • Finish the task. It sounds like a piece of cake, but true procrastinators find it hard to commit to their homework or college studies. Allocate a chunk of time you can devote to repeating the material and dive straight into it. You can ask a friend to check on the progress. Make sure they keep a good watch on your creativity flow.
  • Avoid distractions. Those who have the intention to procrastinate do not have a problem with the fresh starts. They usually step away hours before the finish line because they are tired of the process. Divide the assignment into several parts and see how that works for you in terms of the context. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, save a few hours for editing the draft.
  • Gaze into the future. Imagine how you would feel if there were no urgent tasks at hand and go from there. As you reach completion, you will understand the benefit of making it on time. Also, it will provide for a carefree week ahead.
  • Practice self-forgiveness. Do not be too hard on yourself if the work cannot be repaired. Instead, you can give a reward to your own self as soon as you are finished with a tricky assignment. We propose a treat such as a cup of tea or a trip to the nearby coffee shop. Most of us do not realize that giving oneself gratification for smaller steps does not only impede progress but also helps to deal with the minor stress. If you know the endgame and wait for the work to be over, there is nothing you can achieve. Instead, focus on the goals at hand and set realistic expectations.
  • Act immediately. Rather than letting your homework pile up on the desk and clutter space, solve the problems as they start arising. This is especially helpful for someone who does not know the meaning of the word “punctual.” You will notice that this simplifies the process of selecting between the assignments and stops the incessant internal dialogue.
  • Be careful with the language. Our brain reacts to the words that we use on a daily basis. For instance, if you keep reminding yourself about the duties you would rather postpone, the mind sabotages. In order to prevent the riot and act according to the plan, address the tasks as something that you choose to do of your own will. A simple change in tone can make a difference, especially if you realize it is good to be in control of your own workflow. Also, it is possible to ask fellow students for a favor. They can assess the lecture notes and share their unbiased opinion. Thus, procrastination never happens.
  • Get away from the media. We know how tempting it can be, but there is a need to set the priorities straight. Get away from the emails that need to be checked on the go and try to minimize the noises as you sit down to work.