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Brain Boost Food Research

Eating habits of modern students are the subject of many discussions, and it is clear why. In most cases students’ way of eating can hardly be called a healthy one. Being extremely busy at university students don’t pay enough attention to their diet. Skipping breakfast, eating in a hurry or at night, junk food, unhealthy snacks, big sugar input and other bad habits have negative impact on a body. As a result young organism can’t get necessary vitamins and minerals, good fats and antioxidants to provide energy for normal functioning of gray matter. If you happen to feel your cognitive function and memory is a little bit slowed down, it’s high time you reconsidered the food you need.
Properly chosen products which are rich in nutrients can boost student’s brain, improve memory and attention and benefit the whole body. Add these products to your ration, and in the near future you will see the results. Exams, writing essays, long hours of lections and other college routine – nothing will stop you.

1. Prefer wholegrains. The ability to focus and concentrate requires a big amount of energy in the form of glucose in the blood. For that reason, students should choose wholegrains with a low-GI. Wholegrains release glucose in the blood more slowly, and it gives an opportunity to be mentally active for many hours.  Being in a supermarket you should opt for ‘brown’ wholegrain cereals, rice and paste.

2.  Salmon and another oily fish. Essential fatty acids are the most important thing of oily fish, as human body can’t produce them. Omega-3 fats of oily fish include two forms, DHA and EPA, and the crucial fact is that these fats are in the active form. Thanks to a ready-made form the body use fats easily. Herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, pilchards and kippers – the list is long enough to choose something for yourself.

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3.  Broccoli. If you want to have your memory sharp – eat broccoli. This vegetable is a great source of vitamin K, vitamin C, glucosinolates (it slows the breakdown of the neurotransmitter) and acetylcholine (it ensures the normal functioning of the central nervous system).

4. Blueberries. This small berry has a big list of benefits – the highest level of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin K. The presence of gallic acid makes blueberries an excellent means of protecting the brain from degeneration and stress. Besides, blueberries are extremely tasty, candies made by nature.

5. Walnuts. Everyone knows that an apple a day keeps a doctor away, but it covers not only apples. Walnuts should be also consumed every day, as they have a high level of vitamins (especially vitamin E), antioxidants, and minerals. Walnuts improve cognitive health and help to prevent cognitive decline in the elderly.

6. Extra Virgin Olive Oil. This is very nutritious food for brains, and such antioxidant as polyphenols is the main reason. In addition to improving learning and memory, the product reverses the age-related changes. It fights against toxic to the brain proteins, ADDL, that cause Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Tomatoes. This fruit is another food rich in powerful antioxidant – lycopene. It has similar characteristics with extra virgin olive oil, because it helps to protect against the development of dementia, in particular Alzheimer’s disease. Cut tomatoes, add some olive oil and you will have easy and tasty snack.

8. Dark Chocolate. There are many types of chocolate, but not all of them are equal.  That’s true, chocolate is useful for health, but be careful and don’t run to a supermarket to buy all shelves full of chocolate. Forget about milk and white ones, the darker the chocolate is (at least 70 percent of cocoa), the more benefits for health you get.