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Check Some Biggest Exam Mistakes which Took Place this Year

You spent days and nights getting ready for the coming exams. And it`s rather important for you to get the tasks and work on them. But sometimes the things don`t go smoothly and every year university stuff make up exam questions which are impossible to answer, or the examiner can cause the disruption, which may worse your situation and influence badly on your final grade.

Unfortunately, this year was not an exception and there were such unpleasant cases. We hope that they didn`t happen to you and your terrible exams weren`t the worst ones.

Wait, I didn`t prepare such material

We all know that moment when we open the exam tasks and start working… but when students of University of Reading’s Language Science and Psychology did this, they were truly shocked and the questions seemed to be in the foreign language and they could hardly understand something.

Students got the wrong papers and they reacted in different ways. Some of them just left the examination room, others tried to do some of the tasks. The questions were from the previous year and the studying curriculum was completely changed. It`s really unpleasant and students were annoyed with this situation.

You have passed the exam! Oh sorry, you haven`t…

There`s the incident which took place at the Yadavrao Tasgaonkar College of Engineering & Management in India. The student was asked to re-sit an exam which she took 2 years ago. She had the same number of sit as another student, and his result only were shown in the system. So a girl was firstly told she had passed but initially she failed. The situation is on now and the results are not predictable as the girl should re-pass this exam to get the allowance to others.

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You have 2 hours out of 3

Recently students at the University of Warwick passed an exam and they expected to get 3 hours to complete it but instead they go 2 hours…It was an unpleasant surprise for them, a lot of students concerned that time limit would influence their grades and they wouldn`t have much time to create all 3 essays. But in the very end, in the evening all of them got the emails which told they would not be punished for invigilator’s mistake.

The missing few pages

Approximately 300 students of University of Leeds got informed that their final strategic management exam which is 100% of the module was postponed. And the reason was that the 6 pages of case study weren`t printed.

That moment when you know the questions

Students of Bristol University were lucky to see the questions to their summer exam in history. They got access to the tasks on their learning system. Of course, the department realized their mistake and changed the questions.

Does this question make any sense?

Students of Lucknow University go the question on their sixth semester exam which make any sense. The question is about the meaning and importance of service tax under the Service Tax Law. And what`s the problem? The matter is that there`s no Service Tax Law. This was pointed out in Twitter by one of the students. Such kind of mistake could be done by the first-year student.

Following the deadline

Not only universities make mistakes but also several global news companies were to believe the viral video. This video shows a student who spent the night partying in the club and at the same time tries to complete the final essay which he sends one minute before the deadline.

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Indeed, this video was created for purpose, for one student as a viral video for a film project. And 2 guys decided to share this video as it was the end of the year and everyone was under pressure. A lot of journalists believed this video was true.