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How to write a nice synthesis essay

Synthesis Essay: it will not hurt writing 🙂

Before we start discussing great ideas and themes for creating your first synthesis essay example, it is good to understand what is a synthesis essay, right? You might think it is a kind of argumentative essay but there is a key difference – you are provided with the sources which you need to use to support your argument. Do not make a mistake just summarizing the sources.

Instead of that, prove your point giving the evidence which you took from those sources. Many of them will contain a lot of information which could have pros for both sides of the discussed argument. That is why you should read them with attention and not ignore the info which goes against your key points – just acknowledge it and after that prove that your argument is much stronger.

How to choose a topic

A good topic is the one not belonging to the general knowledge. Obviously, right? If everybody is aware of the theme you are going to discuss, it becomes not interesting and nobody is gonna read that. A bad choice is also the topic which has only one right side of the argument. So what will work best? You need a topic which has a few sources that support a few positions. You can choose such popular theme as social issues or politics. Make sure you can give a strong opinion before you make the final choice.

Steps towards success

Outline matters in any essay. So what is the structure of a successful synthesis essay?

  1. Reading the sources. That goes without saying – look for general info on your topic and start making notes when reading. It will help you a lot in further discussion.
  2. Using the sources. Analyze and not summarize the sources you have. You should structure your passages around your arguments and describe different points – for instance, you can use a few sources for one paragraph to support your arguments.
  3. Choosing the position. What side are you going to take? It is also required to write a catchy thesis statement to present your point of view.
  4. Creating outline. You need to think how you are going to support your argument. This is done with the help of synthesis essay outline.
  5. Writing. Everything is ready – write your masterpiece and make it sound good. Express your ideas brightly and always keep your thesis in mind.
See Also
Comprehensive Guide on Writing Process in Details

Now after all these tips it does not seem so scary anymore, does it? But if your essay is not coming together as you hoped it would, or perhaps, you need some special software for citing used material, you can check this citation generator – you may find it definitely helpful! Happy writing!