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Main 5 Tips for a Novel Writing

Top 5 Lessons for a Debut Novelist

Did you know that some of the most famous and beloved writers around the world did not have any professional education? Ray Bradbury finished only middle school; Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a pilot but remained in history as a writer; Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte neither had any special education but had falling into millions of romantic reader’s harts around the globe. Not to continue with this long list, the point is that it is never later or irrelevant to spell out your ideas on paper even if it’s not your first call. Some talent, luck and a lot of hard work can make you as successful as the writers above.

The greatest introduction difficulty a novelist may face is finding the right way to access the genre.

For instance, if you decide to write an easy-to-foretell story, however high-required, FBI agent novel or present another dystopian world – you’ll come across some major obstacles to get published because the niche are already taken by the great pillars of the genre.

Although, the bigger and abrupt the story is, the less major publishing houses take risk to follow it. You never know for sure which touch will hit the target. With some fresh and surprising ideas you may get luck to overstep the rejection threshold.

Whatever you decide, make a précised research of literary agents that match your genre the most. In contrast to Mark Twain and Louis Stevenson you have more chances to do it fast with a whole Publisher’s Marketplace in your disposal online.

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For a perfectly matched agent it won’t take long to figure out the right publishing house to handle the script.

Develop a Writing Platform

A couple of Twitter of Facebook posts won’t build a proper and permanent audience to make a platform to attract some big publishers. It should be an authentic writing platform that reaches people’s lives and hearts, stories that need a lot of dedication and consideration. It is not easy to accomplish this, when your work for a novel is in full swing.

If you’ve have already started on writing a major work do not saw yourself for creating a new platform for the sake of having one. Having a consistent audience of readers is a decent start but if you don’t have one that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to catch a fish on the hook in a publishing house.

Entertaining and Purposeful

No one would argue that the massage of the book is the purpose for writing. If a storyline does not develop any ideas standing behind or no inferences, what otherwise would make it worth to tell? However, the massage has to be framed – the story should be entertaining, intriguing, evoke empathy or fear and anger. It is not an academic essay, so there has to be good storyline to make the readers involved and make them live through the events.

Find a right balance between purpose of the idea and the entertaining.

Find a Professional Editor

Invest into your personal success. It would be enough to ask for an advice from parents or friends, when dealing with a school essay but when it comes to proofreading, editing and structuring the whole novel it is worth of finding a specialist.

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Do not spare the money for a professional editor. Think how hard it’s to make to the top of the agent’s approval pile. The enormous endeavors will run to seed when the scrip is full of misspelling and errors. Spend some money on a professional help to avoid such outcome.  What to succeed – play it big.

Do not Back Down Facing a Failure

Do not be disappointed with the rejections you will face. Though, take it as a chance to perfect the story. You are getting rejected for some reason, so it is essential to use the situation and rewrite some parts to try again. Think outside of you set plot, may be the storyline can take some new turns that will improve it. Take some time and efforts to rewrite the script. Gone by the Wind or The Chronicles of Narnia got rejected more than 30 times, for instance.