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A Critical Thinking essays: definition and how to write

Critical thinking essays contribute to the development of analytical skills of students. They differ significantly from narrative and overview essays because it requires students to use their own thoughts as arguments. Students learn to analyze these or that problems and develop weighty arguments.

The definition of critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts to form judgment. Critical thinking itself, according to Richard Paul, consists of two parts. In the first part, the speaker conducts a critical analysis of the problem specifically, in the second he gives arguments and proves their veracity with the help of facts. Critical thinking essays, at the same time may include counter arguments that are refuted by facts.

First tip: select a theme

If you decide to write a Critical thinking essay yourself, first determine which theme interests you most. Professors require writing critical answers to:

  1. Opinion of famous people;
  2. Essay;
  3. Literature.

If you write an essay on literature or another essay, read this literature at least two times. Then highlight the main concept.

Then think about a specific argument. You will refer it to in your essay.

Have you the opportunity to choose a theme? If so, choose the one that is most interesting for you. It is best to use a theme where you can apply two or more arguments. For example, you can use the argument that social networks evoke the emotional addiction of the brain as proof of the claim that adolescents should not use social networks.

The second tip: develop the thesis

The most important argument is the thesis. All work is based on the thesis. The specifics of information about the theme are created precisely due to a strong thesis. If you write a critical thinking essay on someone’s personal opinion (for example, the opinion of Freud or Nietzsche), arrange it in the first part of the article. Make the assumption that, in your opinion, it conveys the thesis statement of the author. Describe the arguments given and the purpose of the article.

See Also
How to write an argumentative essay

The third tip: create the bulk of the essay

In this part, you need to describe your arguments. Then give evidence of your point of view. If the essay is analytical, provide logical arguments that speak in favor of your point of view.

Try not to use emotional promises. Be as impartial as possible, give dry figures and convincing evidence.

If you compare one literature with another, describe the differences and similarities.

The fourth tip: put everything in its place

So, the scheme is quite simple. The author’s point of view is expressed in the first section. In the same or in the next paragraph, give several arguments in favor of this point of view. The more arguments, the better.

The third and all subsequent paragraphs should contain evidence of each separate argument.

But this is not enough. You need to foresee possible objections and also write them in the essay in the fourth or fifth paragraph. In the same place, you need to “work with objections”, convincing the reader with the help of evidence in the rightness of your initial point of view.

Fifth tip: do not forget the final section

In this section, you need to sum up all of the above and sum up all the arguments. However, with your statements in the conclusion, you are already showing the reader the direction of the future discussion. You give the topic development in the next essay. You show the direction of future research.


Critical thinking essay should be based on reading and research. It must directly prove your consent/disagreement with the author and the reasons for such an opinion. Try to avoid too emotional conclusions. Adhere to the facts and arguments.