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A few simple tips on how to write a coursework

Wikipedia has the following definition of the term “course work“: it is a work performed by students or trainees for the purpose of learning. We would like to complete this definition a little. Coursework is a form of an extended essay or project in which the student conducts independent research on a topic that he/she chose by himself/herself.
Coursework in its concept resembles an investigation. So every student can feel like the famous Sherlock Holmes. In 90% of cases, the student works on his or her coursework at home. Only in exceptional cases, it can be created makes in the classroom under the supervision of the tutor.

Basic rules of writing a coursework

Do not hurry to start writing a coursework. First, read the rules that must be followed when writing:

  1. The absence of plagiarism. After all, you will also need to write a declaration that the work is completely original.
  2. Writing must be performed in consultation with the tutor. He always gives recommendations for updating the work.
  3. Check the number of words and stick to it. Make sure that applications, bibliographies, and footnotes are also included in the number of words.
  4. Check whether you chose the right topic. If this topic is on the exam, you need to find another topic.

Choose the topic of the work

To begin with, exclude from the full list of proposed topics those that will be on the exam (see paragraph 4 of the rules). Now choose the topic that is most interesting to you and really captures you. We do not recommend that you take a too broad topic because during its research it will be very difficult to observe the restriction of the word.

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Do not forget that your teacher can give advice not only on writing a course work but also on the choice of a topic for her.

Plan a work schedule for writing a coursework

To write a course work should be taken responsibly. To write it at the last minute is not the best idea. Remember that there are deadlines, so start work as early as possible. After all, unexpected delays may occur during the execution of the work.

When the work is completely written (including the list of used literature), you have to have a few days before the deadline. This time you spend on making corrections with the teacher.

Conduct research, collect data …

As we have already said, the course work is a study. It is the research stage that is crucial. That’s why it’s so important to read relevant literature and conduct practical work, and only after that start writing.

For data collection you can use:

  1. Journals;
  2. Books;
  3. Television;
  4. Newspapers;
  5. The Internet;
  6. Radio;
  7. Other sources.

If you write a coursework on science or geography, base work on a hypothesis. This item is mandatory.

If the course work requires conducting a scientific experiment, plan the course of this experiment accurately and use only scientific methods. Also, note what precautions you will need.

While you are conducting a study, note which results you expect to receive. Then you will have the opportunity to compare your expectations with real data.

Draw up a coursework structure

And only now you can proceed to write work! But do not rush. First make a work plan, its structure. So it will be much easier for you to write it.

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So, the structure can be this:

  1. Introduction;
  2. Theoretical data (with references to literature);
  3. Practical part (the course of the scientific experiment);
  4. Results of the experiment;
  5. Conclusions;
  6. List of literature.

Write a coursework in a quiet place where no one and nothing will distract you.

Pictures, applications, bibliography, and footnotes

Almost all term papers on scientific topics should contain graphs, diagrams, photographs, pictures, tables. They can be located both in the work itself and in the form of separate applications at the end (especially for large tables and graphs).

Once again: in the course work you should use only your own words, remember the rules concerning the prohibition of plagiarism.

Despite this, you can use quotations from other scientists, but be sure to quote in quotes. At the end of the sentence, there should be a footnote to the source of literature, from which this quotation is taken.

The footnote is the best way to refer to another work.

At the end of the work, there is a bibliography or a list of used literature. The formula for writing the list is as follows:
Author Surname, Initial. (Date) – Title of Book, page number

The final stage

The last step is to check the work and edit it with the teacher. After reading the work you should have a feeling that everything is written logically and reasonably. You do not have to contradict yourself; you do not have to repeat yourself. If there are repetitions in the work, delete them.

Make sure that the final version of the work is within the allowed number of words. If you exceed the limit, edit the work, shorten it. Delete the least important information.

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Do not forget to check the work for grammatical and spelling errors.

Specify page numbers. Check if the line spacing and font match the required. It is best to use Arial or Times New Roman fonts.

Check that the bibliography format is the same for all sources so that each of them has the correct information.

Only now you can be calm: your coursework is ready! And do not forget to provide a statement that this is your own work.