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How to write a persuasive essay

 How to write a persuasive essay

The persuasive essay may sound difficult for many students. However, if you learn how to make an outline for it, you can handle this quickly. The main concept of a persuasive essay is to stand for or against and make strong arguments in order to support the main idea of the chosen topic.

If you need to write a persuasive essay, you have to choose a specific theme and grab reader’s attention. To achieve this make a deep research to have a strong understanding of a chosen issue. You not only defend your own opinion but also make sure you completely oppose the opponent’s view. Mostly, the topics of such essays touch daily issues of modern life.

Prewriting phase of the essay

If you are ready to write a persuasive essay, you have to know how important the prewriting phase is. Here, you must prepare every aspect of the future work.

  • Choose your side. Mostly, you choose between <for> or <against> position and then you stand for it.
  • You have to persuade the audience. It is very important to understand the audience before you start writing such essay. The reader’s attention goes alongside with perspective.
  • The research. Make sure to go through a research phase to find strong arguments and support your position. The reliable sources can be different here. You cannot be attached to one resource if you want to prove your point of view.
  • Find the best evidence. This is a key point here; look for the most convincing evidence to win a battle.
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The organization process of the persuasive essay is also important. You can create a decent outline, in which you place the researched information and arguments.

The whole structure is the following: an introduction paragraph (with a strong hook sentence), body paragraphs (here you should focus on the main evidence), opposing view paragraph (present and then refute the opponent’s arguments) and a conclusion (restatement and reinforcement of your thesis).

Drafting the persuasive essay

The next useful suggestions may help you to complete your essay:

  • The hook sentence. It is very important to use a hook sentence in your introduction. It can help you compel reader’s attention. Show your creativity and start with an interesting fact, quote, or question.
  • Your main thesis statement must be strong in order to underline how undoubtful you are about your position.
  • The points must be covered in each body paragraph. Here, you present the strong facts, examples or expert’s opinions.
  • Make sure to use different ways to support the arguments. If the chosen topic requires some drawings, go for it.
  • An audience can be not familiar with your topic. Provide them with a useful background information.

The revising phase

In order to complete this phase properly, follow these instructions:

  • Does your essay present a strong position on the chosen issue, supported by many facts, quotes or real-life examples?
  • Does it have a firm hook to grab reader’s attention?
  • Is the opposing opinion presented and convincingly refuted?
  • Is the whole structure of your essay normal?
  • Does the conclusion part make the readers change their mind on this issue?
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Editing and publishing the essay

In order to avoid stupid mistakes, make sure you have checked grammar and other mistakes. Your friends may read the essay, which helps you to edit it with a fresh perspective.

You can read your essay in front of any audience, which is always very exciting. Even if you fail, you can use this experience in a good way to write the next essay even better.

If you did understand the whole concept of how to write a persuasive essay, it’s your time to make it happen. The organized research and general rules can help you to complete this difficult task. In the end, you will see how easy to write any assignments after you have completed this one.